Decision Trees and Random Forests.

Decision Trees and Random Forests.

Decision Trees:

1. Structure:

- Hierarchical tree-like structures for decision-making.

- Nodes represent decisions or test on attributes, and branches represent outcomes.

- Leaves contain the final decision or prediction.

2. Training:

- Splitting nodes based on features that provide the best separation.

- Uses measures like Gini impurity or entropy to find the optimal splits.

- Continues until a stopping criterion is met.

3. Advantages:

- Easily interpretable, mimicking human decision-making.

- Handles numerical and categorical data.

- Requires minimal data preprocessing.

4. Disadvantages:

- Prone to overfitting, especially with deep trees.

- Can be sensitive to small variations in the data.

Random Forests:

1. Ensemble of Trees:

- Consists of multiple decision trees.

- Each tree is trained on a random subset of the data and features.

2. Training Process:

- Builds diverse trees to reduce overfitting.

- Aggregates predictions through voting (classification) or averaging (regression).

3. Advantages:

- Improved accuracy over individual trees.

- Robust to overfitting due to ensemble nature.

- Handles missing values well.

- Provides feature importance.

4. Applications:

- Classification and regression tasks.

- Feature selection and ranking.

5. Considerations:

- Number of trees and tree depth are hyperparameters to tune.

- Generally more resilient to outliers compared to a single decision tree.

Decision trees are the basic building blocks, and random forests leverage the strength of multiple trees to enhance predictive performance and generalization on diverse datasets. They find applications in various fields, including finance, healthcare, and remote sensing.

