My own business

My own business

Intuition is the inner minding mind that control the observation and knowledge without logic.

Chike was at the hotel waiting for the caterer to come and serve him food because he was very hungry.

The lady entered his room without knocking, on entering his apartment, Nkechi observed a shadow within the kitchen area and she soured Jesus!

What will make someone to disappear in the afternoon which out trace. Nkechi was still feeling the presence of people inside the room but cannot see then.

She rushed out and call other to come because he cannot explain. Her instinct keep on telling her that something is not right .

On getting to the door, it was locked, so she tried opening the door but it was hard. She asked others for assistance as they pushed harder, the door opened and 3 naked people was on the floor dead.

Prayer warriors was called to come and pray and find the face of God. It became clear that it was a sacrifice that some ocult people was performing on Pastor Chike which nearly took his life if not for the timely intervention of Nkechi ..

Hakuna Matata ... Derek