Big Organization and Company are always looking and strategizing for profit margins which is the reason for its creation at the first place.
This is making the employees to feel neglected within the work force.
The whole echo of Emotional Intelligence is only on the paper and mouth of the HR. It's practice is in Oblivion.
Companies should always practice what they preach to drive the team sprirt home.
When you care less about your employees, they can go extra mile in damaging your intellectual property or aiding the damaging processes.
Most hacking are aided by internal threat actors; they took their time in collecting more information than required. Some will even help in cleaning away from their main duty just to run Jumster-diving.
Firms should be very careful on surveillance; especially on their employees because they are feeling neglected and inturn inflicting pains to the Firm as a way of paying back .
Hakuna Matata ... Derek